Poland/Pologne/波蘭 Malta/Malte/馬爾他 Ireland/Irelande/愛爾蘭 Belgium/Belgique/比利時 Latvia/Lettonie/拉多維亞 Slovenia/Slovenie/斯洛維尼亞 Bulgaria/Bulgarie/保加利亞 Denmark/Danemark/丹麥 Luxembourg/Luxembourg/盧森堡 Cyprus/Chypre/賽普勒斯 Estonia/Estonie/愛沙尼亞 Sweden/Suede/瑞典 Hungary/Hongrie/匈牙利 Portugal/Portugal/葡萄牙 Italy/Italie/義大利 Spain/Espagne/西班牙 Lithuania/Lituanie/立陶宛 Greece/Grece/希臘 Germany/Allemagne/德國 Finland/Finlande/芬蘭 Netherlands/Pays-Bas/荷蘭 Czech/Tcheque/捷克 Austria/Autriche/奧地利 Slovakia/Slovaquie/斯洛伐克 Romania/Roumanie/羅馬尼亞 United Kingdom/Royaume-Uni/英國 France/France/法國
Call for papers  






Curriculum Framework                                  

We offer Master courses within the Graduate Institute of European Studies. The courses address key issues in the

discipline of the EU and reflect on subjects of critical importance in today's world. It offers in-depth knowledge of

contemporary European affairs and a practical knowledge of regional problems and challenges to global stability.

This provides a breadth and depth of expertise focused around our two groups of elective courses: the economic,

social and cultural group, and the law and political group as the followings: 

I. The economic, social and cultural group:

Globalization and the Third Way

Governments and Politics in Western Europe

The Educational Policy of in Comparison with EU

A Study on the North-South Conflict

European System for the Protection of Human Rights

Seminar on International Law and Regional Organizations

Seminar on International Political Economy

International Politics and National Security

International Intellectual Property Rights

International Economics and Marketing : The Relationship with European culture and History

Seminar on Relation between Europe and Asia

The selections of European famous works

The comparison of European Myth along with its influence over the world cultures

Seminar on European International Relations

Colloquiums for European studies

The EU's external relations

European Union and Organization

Seminar on political philosophy and environmental themes in Europe

International Human Rights Law

Seminar on Humanitarian Relief

European Border Conflicts

AnIntroduct:on to European History

Overview of European right

Kant’s Critique of Reason on Geschicht - On the permanent Peace

European Biotechnological Law

European Social Welfare

Seminar on Relations between the Europe and

 II. The law and political group

Comparative Democratization In Central and Eastern

Regional Studies on South-Eastern Europe  

Governments and Politics in Eastern Europe and European Security

The Educational Transition beyond Socialism

International Relation Theories and European Union Integration and Europe

Euro and the European Economic and Monetary Union

European Community Law

Seminar on History of European Integration

Studies on the European Union

European Sanctions Regime

EU's Human Rights Policy

EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy : Theory and Pratic

The EU's Common Health Policy : Challenge and Perspective

Seminar on Enlargement of the EU

Studies on CIS

Studies on Politics within Eastern Europe

Relations between the EU and Member States

Studies on the European Economic and Monetary Union

Seminar on European Governance

The Comparison of the Constitutional System between Centre and Eastern Europe

Turbulence and Order International Politics in the Early 21th Century

The history of European political and legal ideology

A study on the European Union – History of European Construction, European Economic Integration

Common Commercial Policy, anti-dumping and Intellectual Property right in the EU

Special topics in modern European

Research and Discussion of  European society


Please be cooperated with Professors' schedule!

web e-mail: kakriba@aol.fr