Poland/Pologne/波蘭 Malta/Malte/馬爾他 Ireland/Irelande/愛爾蘭 Belgium/Belgique/比利時 Latvia/Lettonie/拉多維亞 Slovenia/Slovenie/斯洛維尼亞 Bulgaria/Bulgarie/保加利亞 Denmark/Danemark/丹麥 Luxembourg/Luxembourg/盧森堡 Cyprus/Chypre/賽普勒斯 Estonia/Estonie/愛沙尼亞 Sweden/Suede/瑞典 Hungary/Hongrie/匈牙利 Portugal/Portugal/葡萄牙 Italy/Italie/義大利 Spain/Espagne/西班牙 Lithuania/Lituanie/立陶宛 Greece/Grece/希臘 Germany/Allemagne/德國 Finland/Finlande/芬蘭 Netherlands/Pays-Bas/荷蘭 Czech/Tcheque/捷克 Austria/Autriche/奧地利 Slovakia/Slovaquie/斯洛伐克 Romania/Roumanie/羅馬尼亞 United Kingdom/Royaume-Uni/英國 France/France/法國
I. Students  
Call for papers  

















International Students

The Graduate Institute of European Studies has a positive international reputation for the high quality in teaching and research that it offers. We have a tradition of recruiting international students to our study program. We highly welcome the rich diversity of our student body and do everything possible to ensure that we provide a valuable experience for all our international students.

We provide support for all our international students, both in the Graduate Institute of European Studies and across the Nan-hua University. We also organize the international cultural club to promote activities of international cultural exchange across the University for sharing international culture and language experiences. The Graduate Institute of European Studies has been devoted to creating a friendly and interactive learning environment for our students to involve in expertise.


The following link provides some explanations of our international academic activities, alongside some useful information for international students considering joining our Graduate Institute



International Profile of the Graduate Institute

The academic staffs at the Graduate Institute of European Studies have research interests and publications which span Europe and the rest of the world. We have EU specialists and experts in the sub-fields of foreign policy, international political economy, global security and international relations all with renowned teaching quality on our programs.


The Graduate Institute of European Studies is engaged in academic exchanges with international academic body. We promote the cooperation and encourage exchange students with foreign academic units and university. In addition to monthly symposiums, the Graduate Institute regularly holds an international conference to consult with large numbers of European scholars.




if mistake, please write me back to kakriba@aol.fr