科目名稱: 宗教社會學專題 科目代號:506201043
英文名稱: Seminar
on Sociology of Religion 授課教師:林本炫
開課單位 |
社會學研究所 |
上課教室 |
S104 |
學 分 數 |
3 |
授課時間 |
三/5,6,7 |
修別 |
3■選修 |
教學目標 |
本課程在使修課同學了解社會學的宗教研究方法,古典的宗教社會學理論,以及當代的宗教社會學發展情形。尤其著重在世俗化、宗教運動,以及宗教和社會變遷之關係。 |
課程綱要:(含每週授課進度) 第一週:9/26 課程說明以及宗教社會學的發展與主要議題 1. Roland Robertson, 1972, “The Development of the Sociology of Religion” and “Major Issues in the Analysis of Religion” Chap.2 and Chap.3 in The Sociological Interpretation of Religion. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 第二週:10/03 方法論 1. Bryan Wilson,1982,”The Sociology of Religion as a science”, Chap.1(1-26)in Religion in Sociological Perspective. Oxford and New York: Oxford Univ. Press. 2. Robert N. Bellah,1970,”The Sociology of Religion”, Chap.1(p.3-19)in
Beyond Belief: Essays on Religion in a Post-Traditionalist World. Berkeley:
Univ. of California Press. 第三週:10/10 國慶日,放假一天 第四週:10/17 Max Weber的宗教社會學 1.
Max Weber 1930/1978(英譯本),The Protestant Ethics and
the Spirit of Capitalism. London: George Allen & Unwin. 2.
Weber , Sociology of Religion宗教社會學(允晨出版社有中譯本) 第五週:10/24 Emile Durkheim的宗教社會學 1. Emile Durkheim,1915/1965(英譯本),The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. New York: The Free Press.(桂冠出版社中譯本) 第六週:10/31 Peter Berger和Thomas Luckmann的宗教現象學 1. Peter Beger,1967/1990,The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion. New York: Anchor Books.(上海人民出版社中譯本) 2. Thomas Luckmann, The Invisible Religion無形的宗教(香港 : 漢語基督教文化研究所中譯本) 第七週:11/07 世俗化(一) 1. Jose Casanova,1994,”Secularization,Enlightment, and Modern Religion” Chap.1 (p.11-39)in Public Religions in the Modern World. Chicago and London: The Univ. of Chicago Press. 2. Roy Wallis and Steve Bruce,1992, “Secularization: The Orthodox
Model”,Chap.2(p.8-30)in Steve Bruce,ed.,Religion and Modenization:Sociologists
and Historians Debate the Secularization Thesis.Oxford:Clarendon Press. 3. Peter Berger,1999,The Desecularization of the World; A Global
Overview. P.1-18 in Peter Berger, ed., The Desecularization of the World. 第八週:11/14宗教社會學的當代發展(期中考週,照常上課,繳交第一次報告) 1. Robert Wuthnow, 1981, “Two Traditions in the Study of Religion”. Journal for the Scientific Study od Religion 20(1):16-32. 2. Thomas Robbins, 1988, “The Transformative Impact of the Study of
New Religions on the Sociology of Religion”. Journal for the Scientific Study
of Religion 27(1):12-31. 第九週:11/21 皈依 1. John Lofland and Rodney Stark,1965,”Becoming a World Saver: A Theory of Conversion to a deviant Perspective”, ASR 30:862-872. 2. Brock Kilbourne and James T. Richardson,1988, “Paradigm Conflict,
Types of Conversion, and Conversion Theories”, Sociological Analysis
50(1):1-21. 第十週:11/28 皈依與社會網絡 1. Rodney Stark and William Sims Bainbridge,1985,“Networks of Faith: Interpersonal Bonds and Recruitment to Cults and Sects”.Chap.14(p.307-324) in The Future of Religion. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press. 2. Rodney Stark and William Sims Bainbridge,1985,“Friendship,
Religion, and the Occult”.Chap.15(p.325-345) in The Future of Religion.
Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press. 第十一週:12/05 宗教經驗 1. N.J.Demerath,2000,”The Varieties of Sacred Experience: Finding the Sacred in a Secular Grove”. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 39(1):1-11. 2. David Yamane,2000,”Narrative and Religious Experience”. Sociology
of Religion 61(2):171-189. 第十二週:12/12 私人化與公共宗教 1. Jose Casanova,1994,”Private and Public Religions” Chap.2 (p.41-66)in Public Religions in the Modern World. Chicago and London: The Univ. of Chicago Press. 2. Robert Wuthnow,1994,”Introduction”.p.1-20 in Producing the Sacred:
An Essays on Public Religion. Urbana and Chicago: Univ. of Illinois Press. 第十三週:12/19理性選擇理論 1. Rodney Stark and William Sims Bainbridge,1987,”The Core Theory: Religious Commitment”.Chap.2(p.25-53) in A Theory of Religion. New York: Peter Lang, Inc. 2. Roy Wallis,1984,”The Stark-Bainbridge Theory of Religion: A Critical Analysis and Counter Proposals.”Sociological Analysis 45(1):11-28. 第十四週:12/26 宗教運動(一) 1. Eileen Barker,1999,”New Religious Movements: Their incidence and significance”.p.15-31 in Bryan Wilson and Jamie Cresswell,ed., New Religious Movements: Challenge and Response. London and New York: Routledge. 2. Steve Bruce,1996,”The New Religions of the 1970s”, Chap.7(p.169-195) in Religion in the Modern World: from Cathedrals to Cults. New York: Oxford Univ. Press. 第十五週:01/02 宗教運動(二) 1. Rodney Stark and William Sims Bainbridge,1985,“Three Models of Cult Formation”.Chap.8(p.171-188) in The Future of Religion. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press. 2. Rodney Stark and William Sims Bainbridge,1985,“Secularization, Revival, and Cult Formation”.Chap.19(p.429-456) in The Future of Religion. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press. 3. Rodney Stark and William Sims Bainbridge,1985,“Of Churches, Sects, and Cults”.Chap.2(p.19-37) in The Future of Religion. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press. 第十六週:01/09 宗教與全球化 1. John H. Simpson,1991,”Globalizaion and religion”.p.1-17 in Roland Robertson and William R. Garrett,ed.,Religion and Global Order.New York:Paragon House Publishers. 2. Mike Featherstone,1991,”Consumer Culture,Postmodernism, and Global Disorder.”p.133-160 in Roland Robertson and William R. Garrett,ed.,Religion and Global Order.New York:Paragon House Publishers. 3. Roland Robertson,1991,”Globalization,Modernization, and Postmodernization: The Ambiguous Position of Religion.” P.281-292 in Roland Robertson and William R. Garrett,ed.,Religion and Global Order. New York: Paragon House Publishers. 4. Lorne L. Dawson,1998, “The Cultural Significant of New Religious Movements and Globalization”. Journal for the Scientific Study od Religion 37(4):580-595. 第十七週:01/16(期末考週,繳交第二次報告。綜合討論) |
講授方式 |
1■課堂講授 2■分組討論 3實習 4參觀訪問 5其它 |
課程其它 特色(可略) |
教材教具 |
無 |
主要參考 書 籍 |
如以上各單元所列 |
成績考核 方 式 |
■讀書報告: 30 % 平時考試: % 期中考試: % ■學期考試(學期報告):40 %
■其他(課堂參與討論): 30 % |
備 註 |
1.主要參考書籍請依作者、書名、出版處所、時間次序撰寫。 2.講授大綱及成績評量方式請務必於第一週上課時向學生充分說明。 |