
Institute of E uropean studies








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1.          當我們觀察到某個市場的價格下降,交易量亦下降時,表示該市場的 A) 供給上升 B) 需求下降 C)需求增加 D) 供結減少。

2.          當有「超額供給」存在時,A)市場有一股力量促使價格下降,供給線左移 B) 消費者因所得效果與替代效果的作用,會有離開市場的動機,需求線因此左移 C)勞動工資將有上漲的壓力 D) 市場機制的運作,供給量與需求量將分別沿著原供給線與需求線向均衡點調整。

3.          工會設立最低工資的用意是為保護勞動者的工作所得,卻經常使很多人,特別是低技術的勞工們,找不到工作,其原因是 A) 最低工資高於均衡工資 B) 最低工資等於均衡工資 C) 最低工資低於均衡工資 D) 工會對勞資無法定的牽制力。

4.          計程車費率提高後,很多司機抱怨收入不增反減,表示消費者對計程車的需求彈性 A) 大於一 B) 等於1 C) 等於1 D) 無法判斷。

5.          假定蘋果的邊際效用為40,其價格為20元;西瓜邊際效用為24,其價格為8元;香蕉的邊際效用為10,其價格為4元,一個追求效用極大的人想吃水果時,首先應吃 A) 蘋果 B) 西瓜 C) 香蕉 D) 三者都一樣。

6.          「邊際效用遞減法則」指的是 A) 商品價格越高時,所賺得的消費者剩餘越少 B) 同一商品購買越多時,價格越低 C) 同一商品消費量越多時,所獲得的總效用越少 D) 同一商品消費量越多時,多增加單位消費量所增加的效用越少。

7.          消費者對某商品的「願付價款」和「實際價款」之間差額的總合謂之 A) 邊際效用 B) 消費者剩餘 C) 淨收益 D) 總效用。

8.          一個追求利潤極大的廠商,在現在有的產量下發現其邊際收益大於邊際成本,該廠商應採取何種生產策略以提高利潤?A)降低產出,但若知邊際收益大於平均變動成本則應停產 B)毋須調整產量 C)增加產量 D)無法判斷,需視該廠商為完全競爭、獨占性競爭或獨占廠商而定。

9.          當新廠商加入完全競爭產業,下列何種情況不會發生? A)市場價格下跌 B)市場供給增加 C)個別廠商所面對的需求曲線下降 D)個別廠商的經濟利潤上升。

10.      造成「獨占性競爭」廠商的需求曲線,較「獨占」廠商的需求曲線平坦的主要原因是 A)獨占廠商追求利潤極大,獨占性競爭廠商則追求市場佔有率最大 B)獨占廠商因缺乏競爭對手,所以未能積極有效地使用資源,獨占廠商則否 C)獨占性競爭廠商在邊際成本等於邊際收益處生產,獨占廠商則否 


11.      「自然獨占」產業其生產的特性為 A)規模報酬遞增,長期平均成本遞減 B)規模報酬遞減,長期平均成本遞減 C)規模報酬遞減,長期平均成本遞增 D)規模報酬遞增,長期平均成本遞增。

12.      卡特爾組織(例如:石油輸出國組織),其聯合壟斷行為經常無法長期維持的最重要原因無A)消費者抵制 B)替代產品的不段推陳出新,造成聯合壟斷的經濟利益下降 C)其它廠商無法加入卡特爾組織 D)組織內的廠商有違反卡特爾協議之誘因。

13.      清除廢輪胎積水以免孳生登革熱病媒蚊: A)社會成本高於私人成本 B)社會成本低於私人成本 C)社會利益高於私人利益 D)社會利益低於私人利益。

14.      當產品的需求彈性大時,對生產此種產品之生產要素 A)其需求彈性亦大 B)其需求彈性反而小 C)其供給彈性亦大 D)其供給彈性反而小。

15.      某一產業的需求增加時,則其生產要素的價格會 A)上升 B)下降 C)不變 D)無關。

16.      如果中國大陸的工資水準無論在任何產業都較美國為低 A)中國仍可透過與美國貿易往來而獲利 B)美國無法透過與中國貿易往來而獲益 C)中國無法透過與美國貿易往來而從中獲利 D)因為勞動者的可移動性低,美國唯有透過對中國的直接投資才有可能獲利。

17.      假使魯賓遜專心捕魚每天可捕4斤,專心採果子每天可採3公斤。星期五專心捕魚每天可捕2公斤,專心採果子每天也可採2公斤。在這個荒島上, A)兩種工作都應由魯賓遜做 B)魯賓遜再捕魚上有比較利益 C)星期五再採果上有絕對利益 D)星期五應捕魚,魯賓遜應採果。

18.      下列盒者包含於GDP中? A)政府對地震受難災民的補助 B)家庭主婦操作業務 C)居住於台北的日本人購買新的台制電扇 D)購買台積電股票。

19.      比較國際間各國人民的生活水準,下列哪一個指標比較適合? A)名目的國民生產毛額 B)實質的國內生產毛額 C)平均每人名目國民所得 D)平均每人實質國民所得。

20.      何謂「痛苦指數」? A)股價下跌率+物價膨脹率 B)失業率+物價膨脹率 C)貨幣貶值幅度+股價下跌幅度 D)股價下跌率+失業率。

21.      下列何者屬於「勞動力」? A)家庭主婦 B)已退休的老師 C)錢高科技公司的總經理,現在整再轉換跑道找尋新的工作機會 D)就讀經濟學研究所的學生。

22.      民間人力銀行的出現及線上求職與網際網路的普及,主要可降低下列何種失業? A)摩擦性失業 B)循環性失業 C)隱藏性失業 D)結構性失業。

23.      邊際消費傾向是指當所得增加1單位時,消費支出增加隻額度。請問下列何者不是一般假設的邊際消費傾向之值? A)0.1  B)0.0001  C)1.03  D)0.4

24.      東南亞各國遭受金融風暴對於台灣的均衡產出有何影響: A)台灣進口減少,透過乘數效果,使得總產出呈倍數減少 B)台灣出口減少,透過乘數效果,使得總產出呈倍數減少 C)台灣出口增加,透過乘數效果,使得總產出呈倍數增加 D) 台灣出口增加,透過乘數效果,使得總產出呈倍數增加。

25.      再簡單凱因斯模型中,如果投資乘數為5,當政府支出及民間投資分別增加100單位時,所得將增加 A)500  B)200  C)1000  D)100  單位。

26.      (續上題)如果政府支出與稅收同時增加100單位,而民間投資不變時,所得將增加 A)500  B)200 C)1000  D)100  單位,此即所謂「平衡預算乘數」。

27.      1997年亞洲金融風暴發生時,亞洲四小龍中哪一個國家受到打擊必須接受IMF(國際貨幣基金)的援助? A)台灣 B)香港 C)南韓 D)新加坡。

28.      當總合供給線為水平線時, A)代表市場價格可以自由調整 B)為長期的總合供給線 C)擴張性的需求政策可以提高實質生產,但不影響物價 D)擴張性的需求政策只引起物價上漲,不影響實質產出。

29.      由於自動櫃員機ATM的普及,民間持有通貨之比率降低而影響貨幣乘數,中央銀行為了穩定貨幣供給量,得 A)提高重貼現率,在公開市場買債券 B)提高法定準備率,在公開市場賣債券 C)降低法定準備率,降低重貼現率 D)降低法定準備率,在公開市場賣債券。

30.      當國內存在不景氣與失業的現象時,政府可採行的政策有很多,但並不包含 A)提高存款準備率 B)在公開市場買進公債 C)普遍性的減稅 D)通過獎勵投資條例,對投資提供租稅獎勵。

31.      當國際收支有盈餘,國內有失業的情況下,下列何種政策組合有助於恢復總體均衡? A)寬鬆之貨幣及財政政策 B)緊縮之貨幣政策及寬鬆之財政政策 C)緊縮之貨幣政策及緊縮之財政政策 D)寬鬆之貨幣及財政政策。

32.      若經濟未遭重大衝擊,每一年的總合需求與總合供給將較前一年增加,這將使 A)經濟成長率上升 B)物價水準上升 C)實質GDP上升 D) AC

33.      若採用「浮動匯率制度」,則不會產生以下何種現象? A)從事進出口或其他涉外交易的廠商,音需自行承擔匯率風險,無法清楚估算成本 B)因為外匯是浮動的,容易產生貿易糾紛,甚至遭致他國的貿易報復 C)外匯市場的供需自行決定均衡匯率 D)在此匯率制度下,中央銀行可以不必干預匯率。





1)     2002年時台灣每戶出生率只有1.34人,2003年時更降低到1.27人,顯示台灣社會人口出生率持續下降,已經是全球最低的水準了。因為出生率下降,而平均壽命延長,1993年時台灣老年人口(65歲以上)7.02%,高齡社會已經來臨,預計2025年時,老年人口更將達到所有人口的20%。面對人口老化問題,請您預估,台灣社會未來三十年將要面對的社會問題。 

2)     2002年時,台灣每四對結婚者,有一對是與外籍新娘結婚;同年中,每八個嬰兒出生,有一個是由外籍新娘所生下來的。請您評估台灣社會未來在族群融合以及文化認同上,將會面對什麼樣的問題。 

3)     兩岸經貿關係愈來愈緊密,每年台灣對中國大陸的貿易出超都有幾百億美元,中國大陸已經成為台灣最大的貿易伙伴;然而,兩岸的政治關係,一直是難以處理的問題。請就您個人的觀點,分析未來兩岸關係可能的發展。

4)     全球化已經是不可避免的趨勢,台灣加入WTO之後,更面臨全球化的競爭。請就您所知所學,分析全球化發展趨勢,對台灣社會未來可能造成的影響。 

5)     911事件後,國際恐怖主義造成全球性的恐慌;美軍佔領伊拉克,更加深西方國家與回教世界的對立。南、北韓的對立;以色列與回教世界的對立,國際中仍有許多因為宗教與文化衝突而造成對立的情況。請從文化的觀點,分析造成國際衝突的因素,並評估要如何因應,才能化消對立與衝突。




(一)   請問在國際條約中,哪些會以Charter命名?請舉出一個例子,並請說明此種條約的性質與功用。( 25

(二)   請問六法全書中包含哪六種法律?男生要當兵,女生要請產假,男生欠女生錢不還,女生被男生毆打,該到哪一法中的何處尋找相關的法令規定?( 25

(三)   何謂「習慣法」?我國法律中有哪些相關的規定?( 25)

 (四)   歐洲大陸國家的法律體系與制度,與英美的有何不同,請說明之。( 25)



一、解釋名詞 (每題五分,共二十五分)

(一)              Feminism

(二)              Globalization

(三)              Iron triangle

(四)              Plebiscitary democracy

(五)              Sustainability



三、何謂民主政治?試述多元主義( pluralism )、菁英主義( elitism )以及統合主義( corporatism )的民主運作。(二十分)

四、簡答題,比較相關的概念 (任選三題作答,多答不予計分、共卅分)

(一)              international system vs. international society

(二)              relative gain vs. absolute gain

(三)              public policy vs. policy analysis

(四)              conservatism vs. liberalism

(五)              zero-sum game vs. non-zero-sum game

(六)              democratic peace vs. hegemonic stability



Choose the most appropriate answer or give a brief answer to the question (each5%;每題五分)


I.There is a theory of evolution that suggests future generations of human beings will have larger rear ends and increased nearsightedness. It is based on the idea that the current generation, children of the Information Age, spends so much time sitting in front of a computer screen that corresponding genes likely will be altered and passed on to offspring. This is an era of greater access and availability, but most importantly, of instant communication, anytime, anywhere.

The latest technology has spawned a new society and a new sub-culture, one that disregards the boundaries of race and class. These are the people who engage in online chatting. Not only has the Internet allowed users to work and shop from home, but it also has allowed users to socialize without ever leaving the house. One of the beauties of online socializing is its convenience. Simply by running a search on the computer, a person can producea list of hundreds of people with whom to chat, all with the qualities requested. Inolden times, if one person wanted to meet another, he would have to take the awkward step of approaching the stranger and introducing himself. Even then, it could take several minutes of conversation to determine whether the two had anything in common. Shyness isn’t a problem for online chatters because theydon;t gave to deal with a stranger face to face. Typing is as easy as talking, but it gives you time to ghink about what you want to say. It allows you to project any image of yourself that you want, and you can tell the other person anything about yourself that you want. It’s easier to open up to someone you can’t see, to share your secrets and to feel a connection to an invisible person.

1.      This passage is mainly about _________.

(A)information technology  (B)the art of cahtting  (C)a theory of evolution  (D)socializing online

2.      “Corresponding” in the line 2 means ________.

(A)related  (B)communicating  (C)disagreeing  (D)exchanging

3.      The biggest difference between past and present chatters is that

(A)present chatters have to meet each other in person  (B)past chatters need to socialize in a club or café  (C)past chatters can find many interesting people to chat with in a short time  (D)present chatters are all very shy

4.      “open up” in the last line means ________.

(A)conceal  (B)convert  (C)confide  (D)congregate


II.You forgot where the car was parked at the airport yesterday. You missed your mother-in-law’s birthday last week. The name of that old boyfriend or girlfriend is on the tip of your tonguebut what is it Your memory is atrocious. Or so you think. But common sense tells us that forgetfulness is vital to a healthy brain by clearing our minds of decaying memorabilia, and, increasingly, so dose science. Today, a small band of scientists is trying to discover how and why the brain chooses to erase certain memories. Their aim isn’t to increase our ability to remember, nor are they researching some kind of evil memory-erasing pill. What does interest them is the prospect of helping people get rid of the unwanted memories that, researchers are discovering, can contribute to mental illnesses such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. If they succeed, the benefits won’t just be confined to clinics. Even in mentally healthy people, being unable to forget past events can dull the mind and generate misery. There is no stronger evidence of this than the life of Solomon Shereshevski, the world’s most celebrated mnemonist. Studied for thirty years by Russian psychologist Aleksandr Luria, Shereshevski spent much of his professional life performing amazing feats of memory for paying audiences. He could memorize strings of numbers just by looking at them for a few seconds, recalling them with stunning accuracy months or even years later, and reciting them backwards or forwards.

5.      The topic discussed in this passage is about ________.

(A)forgetfulness  (B)how to increase our ability to remember  (C)how to develop memory-erasing pills  (D)mental illnesses

6.      “On the tip of your tongue” in line 2 means ________.

(A)about to eat something  (B)almost able to say something  (C)about to spit something  (D)almost ready to make a sound

7.      That forgetfulness is vital to a healthy brain is verified by ________.

(A)pure common sense  (B)legends  (C)pure speculations  (D)scientific discoveries

8.      “Mnemonist” in line 8 means one who ________.

(A)is very easy to forget  (B)has an amazing ability to recite  (C)has a talent to memorize things  (D)is a professional performer


 III.In a remote area of the Sierr Madre in onrthern Mexico, an indigenous group of people called the Tarahumaras live in almost total isolation. Aside from owning some cooking utensils and framing equipment, the Tarahumaras exist much as they did before the Spanish arrived in the 1660s. They live in caves or in huts made of stone and wood, and they eat what little they can grow on the dry, rugged land. Ten years ago, linguist James Copeland entered the world of the Tarahumaras to study their language and culture. Since then, he has been visiting the Tarahumaras so that he could deal directly with the people. Learning Tarahumara is no easy task since it is not a written language. “There are no language police,” Copeland says. “Children are seldom corrected by their parents. They learn by observation of speech in context and by imitation.” Copeland acquired the language through his frequent exposure to it and by analyzing the grammar. His linguistics skills and mastery of German, Spanish, French , and Russian, plus a partial knowledge of some twenty other languages, also helped. Drawing on his research, Copeland plans to produce a Tarahumara grammar book in English and perhaps one in Spanish. He is putting together a bibliography of  all  the linguistic research conducted so far on the Uto-Aztecan languages, the group of thirty indigenous tongues to which Tarahumara belongs.

9.      According to this passage, life of the Tarahumaras is ___________.

(A)easy  (B)hard  (C)luxurious  (D)colorful

10.  The Tarahumaras are a(n) ________ people.

(A)nomadic  (B)civilized  (C)agricultural  (D)industrialized

11.   Tarahumara is a(n) ________ language.

(A)spoken  (B)written  (C)easy  (D)isolated

12.   The main purpose of James Copeland’s living with the Tarahumaras is to learn their ________.

(A)lifestyle  (B)ancient history  (C)arts and crafts  (D)language

IV.The American continents were peopled as a result of two long-continuing immigration movements, the first from Asia, and the second from Eruope and Africa. The first movement began probably 25,000 years age when Siberian tribes, in search of new hunting grounds or of refuge from prusing enemies, crossed over the Bering Strait to Alaska. By 1492, ten to twenty million people, mistakenly called Indians by Christopher Columbus, inhabited the Americas. They developed their own aboriginal cultures, which ranged from the simple to the complex, from those of the primitive tribes to the brilliant civilization of the Aztecs, the Incas, and the Mayas. But their technological developenet had lagged behind that of Europe and Asia. The second migration to the Americas began with the expansion of Europe at the start of the modern period in the 16th century. In 1492, Columbus persuaded the king and queen of Spain to finance his voyage. He believed that by sailing west from Europe, he could reach the Far East. He never succeeded, instead he landed on one of the Banama Islands in the Caribbean Sea and “discovered” the New World. Based on Columbus’s discovery, the Spanish king could claim the territory in the Americas. Later Spain conquered the new land, established a huge empire and grabbed enormous wealth from the Indians. In 1497, an Italian sailor, John Cabot who was in Enforcing this claim, the Englishmen began to establish permanent settlements in North America by the beginning of the 17 th century.

13.  According to this passage, the aboriginal peoples of the Americas originate from ________.

(A)Europe  (B)Africa  (C)Asia  (D)India

14.  The American Indians where mistakenly named because Columbus thorght that he had ________.

(A) discovered the New World  (B)landed on India  (C)conqurerd the primitive tribes

(D)established a huge empire

15.  Which of the following statements is true

(A)The Siberian tribes came to the Americas to conquer their enemies.  (B)The aboriginal cultures were all very simple.  (C)The technological development of the American tribes before the 15 th century was far more advanced than that of Europe and Asia.  (D)The Spanish king gave Columbus money to travel to the Americas.

16.  The Englishmen began to establish permanent settlements in North America in the 17 th centtury because they wanted to ________.

(A)effect their claim to the territory  (B)conquer the new land  (C)drive away the Spanish settlers  (D)fight the Indian.

V.Both men and women are living longer these days in the industrialized countries. However, women, on the average, live longer. In general, they can expect to live six or seven years more than men. The reasons for this are both biological and cultural. One important biological factor that helps women live longer is the difference in hormones between men and women. Hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to control various body functions. Between the ages of about 12 and 50, women produce hormones that are involved in fertility. These hormones also have a positive effect on the heart and the against some kinds of infections. This means that women generally get sick less oten and less seriously than men. Women are also help by their female genes; Scientists are still not exactly sure how genes influence aging, but they believe that they do. Some think that a woman’s body cells have a tendency to influenced the lives of womwn is the lack of stress. Stress is well known to shorten lives. Until recently, women who worked were usually in less responsible, less stressful positions. But the social habits of women are changing. Young women are smoking and drinking more than women used to. More women are the other, biological factors in life expectancy remain unchanged.

17.   The topic of this passage is about ________.

(A)life expectancy of men  (B)why women live longer  (C)female hormones  (D)what causes health problems

18.   How many factors are listed in the passage to explain the topic

(A)two  (B)three  (C)four  (D)five

19.  How do female hormones help women live healthier lives

20.  What are the changes which keep women from living healthier lives



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