(A) Journal Papers
1,Kuan-chu Wei, Urban Space and Sacred Order, Journal of Environment and Art, 2000, p. 1-12.
2,Kuan-chu Wei, Communicative Reason and Multiple Planning Theory, Journal of Environment and Art, 2001,p. 1-12
3,Kuan-chu Wei, Ideas of Regionalism and Green Architecture, Journal of Environment and Art, 2005,13-22
4,Kuan-chu Wei, Life-world: From Theory of Horizon to the Idea of Locus, Journal of Environment and Art, 2006, p. 45-56.
5,Kuan-chu Wei, Modes of Environmental Planning and the Idea of Green development, 2007,83-95
6,Kuan-chu Wei, An Architectural Culture Towards Regional Autonomy, Journal of Design and Theory,VI., Dong-hai University,2008,p. 31-44.
7,Kuan-chu Wei, Systematic Reason and Communivative Reason: Habermas on Modern Civilization and Communication, Journal of China Media Report, 2008, P.103-113
8,Kuan-chu Wei, Community Reconnaissance and the Management of Value,
Journal of Environment and Art,2008,98-112
9,Kuan-chu Wei, The Subjectivity of Images and Local Culture: A reflection on Existentialism, Journal of Environment and Art,2009,91-101
10,Kuan-chu Wei, A Reflection of Modern Space from the Construction of Locality: A Phenomenological Interpretation, Journal of Environment and Art,2011,107-129
11,Kuan-chu Wei, Towards Ecological City: A Pondering on the Local Management Principles, Journal of Architecture and Environment, Architectural Development Association of Taichung, 2011, p. 20-16
(B) Seminar Papers
1,Kuan-chu Wei,Urban Revitalization and Cultural Memory: Rethinking Taipei`s Urban Renewal Plan Regarding Wan-hua,The City, Space and Globalization International Symposium1998,1998,p.76-80,The University of Michigan, Ann Arbo
2,Kuan-chu Wei,William Morris`s Romantic Medievalism and Design Ideals,The 3d Asia Design Conference - China-Japan-Korea Symposium,1998,p.508-512, Chao Yang University of Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C.
3,Kuan-chu Wei, Martin Heidegger’s Philosophy of Dwelling, The Forum of Architectural Research Releases, Chao-yang University of Technology, 1998,p.208-212
4,Kuan-chu Wei,Reevaluting Local Cultural Heritage in the Changing Global Context, China-Japan-Korea Regional Planning International Symposium,1999,III-A-3-1 ~ III-A-3-7, National Cheng-kung University, Taiwan
5,Kuan-chu Wei,Global Capitalism and The Re-evaluation of Local Space, Symposium on Space and Social Studies, Tung-hai University, 1999.
6,Kuan-chu Wei, Bauhaus Design Education and Its Origins, Design Forun of Republic of China, 2000, Chang-hua, Ta-ye University.
7,Kuan-chu Wei, Cultural Policy and the Local environmental development, Design Forum of The Republic of China,2001,Shu-de University of Technology, Kao-Shiung
8,Kuan-chu Wei, Cultrual Policy: its Making and Execution, Forum of Public Policy and Government, Nan-hua University, 2001, Chia-yi
9,Kuan-chu Wei,Communicative Action and Community Planning Methodology, Symposium on Environment Redevelopment, 2001, Taipei.
10,Kuan-chu Wei, The Changing Image of a Place in the Public Discourse, Memory and Media in Contemporary China,2001,University of California at Berkeley,Center for Chinese Studies
11,Kuan-chu Wei, Media and Social Memories: A cultural Study on Political Commercials, Cross-Strait Communication Studies towards the 21Century, 2001,Shan-tou University, Guan-Dong
12,Kuan-chu Wei, Environemntal Education from the Vision of Local Culture, A symposium of Environmental Education, Nan-hua University, 2002, Chia-yi
13,Kuan-chu Wei, Modern and Traditional Philosophy on Space: take the Issue of Nurturing the Mind and Body as an Example, Symposium of Comparative Philosophies, Nan-hua University, 2002, Chia-yi
14,Kuan-chu Wei, Heritage Preservation and the Rebirth of Local religious Tradition, Lung-shan Temple International Symposium, 2002, Lu-gang, Chang-hua
15,Kuan-chu Wei, Green Architecture and Critical Regionalism, Forum on the Humanistic Dimension of Green Architecture, 2004, Nan-hua University, Chia-yi
16,Kuan-chu Wei and Ying-Shih Chen,Opportunities and Constraints in the Development of Sustainable Tourism in Taiwan,8th World Leisure Congress 2004,2004,Brisbane, Australia
17,Kuan-chu Wei, Place of Heterogeneity and Culture of Space, Environmental Objections Symposium, 2005,Nan-hua University
18,Kuan-chu Wei, The Culture of Leisure and Post-development Discourse, Environmental Objections Symposium,2006, Nan-hua University
19,Kuan-chu Wei, Environmental Development and the Principle of Geomancy: The Idea of Green Development, Symposium for the Dialogue of Culture and Space, 2006, Ching-yung University, Chung-li
20,Kuan-chu Wei and Ying-Shih Chen,Tourist Development and the Emerging Issues of an Aboriginal Preservation Area,9th World Leisure Congress 2006, Hangzhou China, World Leisure Organization,2006,34-45,Hanzhou, China
21,Kuan-chu Wei, The View of Art from Critical Theory: A Discussion of Walter Benjamin, A Symposium on Critical Theory and The Art of Images, 2007, Tai-nan University of Art, Kuan-tien
22,Kuan-chu Wei, Discourse of Geomancy and Taoist Essential Thoughts,
Symposium for the Dialogue of Culture and Space, 2007, Ching-yung University, Chung-li
23,Kuan-chu Wei, A Reflection on the Mode of Our Comprehension: An Analysis of An-li’s film, A Symposium on Critical Theory and The Art of Images, 2007, Tai-nan University of Art, Kuan-tien
24,Kuan-chu Wei, The Peinciple of Taoism and Geomancy, Symposium for the Dialogue of Culture and Space, 2008, Ching-yung University, Chung-li
25,KUan-chu Wei, The Depth of Locality, The Renaissance of Local Communities Symposium, 2008, Tai-nan Municipal Cultural Center, Tainan
26,Kuan-chu Wei, A Probe into Humanity and Geomancy Theory, Symposium for the Dialogue of Culture and Space, 2010, Ching-yung University, Chung-li
27,Kuan-chu Wei, A Discourse on the Existential Place: A
Phenemenological View, A Symposium of Community Renaissance, Nan-hua
University, Nov. 2010,Chia-yi
28,Kuan-chu Wei, Universal Spatial View in the Huai-nan Tzu, Symposium
for the Dialogue of Culture and Space, 2011, Ching-yung University,